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Runs FAQ - for Runners

Q: Who can apply? A: Any Runner, new or experienced. The more experience you have, the more likely you will be allocated to a Run. Please read our delivery guidelines to understand how to do your job in the best way possible! If a Run is assigned to a first-time Runner, we will call them to provide a guideline for the Sender. If that isn't the case, we'll reassign the Run to someone else. Q: How many jobs will need to be done? A: On average, a 3-hour Run will be around 10 jobs. The number of jobs that can be completed depends on the estimated Estimated Working Time (EWT), which is based on travelling time and job difficulties. A buffer applies for pick-up and drop-off, hospital deliveries, CBD deliveries, Friday traffic, etc. Q: How many pick-ups and drop-offs are there in a Run? A: There can be multiple pick-ups and drop-offs. We add extra time for the additional pick-up locations, calculated into the EWT. If you have areas you'd prefer to work in, you can just set up your Favorite areas in the app. Q: How do GoPeople calculate EWT? A: It is a sum of the factors below: Travelling time (from pick-up to drop-off) Estimated total pick-up time Estimated total drop-off time Job difficulty (such as Hospital jobs, CBD jobs etc.) Any other exceptional or unforeseen circumstances (accidents, natural disasters, special events, etc.) Q: How do GoPeople pay if a Runner applies for a 3-hours Run and the EWT is more than 3 hours? A: The Runner will be paid based on the hourly rate of the assigned Run. E.g. If the EWT is 3 hours 15 minutes, the Runner will be paid for the extra 15 minutes. Q: How do GoPeople pay if a Runner applies for a 3-hour Run and the EWT is less than 3 hours? A: The Runner will be paid for the complete Run. Q: How do GoPeople pay if a Runner applies for a 3-hour Run and the EWT is less than 3 hours but with a distance levy? A: The Runner will be paid for the actual EWT + levy. The total will be higher than the minimum of 3 hours we guarantee. Q: When does a long distance levy apply? (Finished on 30th April 2023) A: A long distance levy applies when the total estimated driving distance of the Run is more than 55km. The total driving distance is the shortest route provided by GoPeople. The levy is $0.46/km inc. GST or $0.42/km excl. GST.e.g. The total distance of a Run is 100km, and the levy will be (100km - 55km) x $0.46 = $20.7 (inc. GST).Please note: some Runs may have slightly different long distance levy calculations. Please read the full Run details to ensure everything is understood. The new distance levy has replaced the old long distance levy and the out of metro levy from 1st May 2023. For more detail, please review this page. [New] Distance Levy - for Runners Q: When does an out of metro levy apply? (Finished on 30th April 2023) A:  An out of metro levy applies when one or more of your deliveries are outside our metro area. It also only calculates the most distant delivery from the below locations for each city: Sydney: distance from Sydney Olympic Park Melbourne: distance from Melbourne CBD Brisbane: distance from Brisbane CBD Adelaide: distance from Adelaide CBD Perth: distance from Perth CBDThe levy is $0.46/km inc. GST or $0.42/km excl. GST.e.g. if the most distant out of metro job is 30 km from Sydney Olympic Park, the levy will be 30km x $0.46 = $13.8 (inc. GST).You can find the GoPeople metro map here. The new distance levy has replaced the old long distance levy and the out of metro levy from 1st May 2023. For more detail, please review this page. [New] Distance Levy - for Runners Q: How do GoPeople pay if the Runner takes longer to finish delivering all the jobs than the EWT? A: The Runner still gets paid for the original price. The quicker you finish, the more you make. However, if you did follow our routing, you can email us at so we can investigate and see what happened. Q: How much do GoPeople pay if GoPeople cancels the Run? A: If the Sender cancels the Run between 2 and 24 hours before the Run start, the assigned Runner will be paid a 30% cancellation fee. If the Sender cancels the Run less than 2 hours before the Run start time, the assigned Runner will be paid a 60% cancellation fee. If the Sender cancels the Run less than 15 mins before the Run start, the assigned Runner will be paid a 100% cancellation fee. If the Sender cancels the Run after the Run start, the assigned Runner will be paid a 100% cancellation fee. If the Sender or GoPeople cancels the Run within 15 minutes of assigning the Run, then no Sender Cancellation Fee will be payable to you. Q: What type of penalty will a Runner face if they decide to cancel their Run? A: You’ll be charged 30%, as well, if you cancel a Run between 2 and 24 hours before the start of the Run. You’ll be charged 60% if you cancel a Run that you’ve been assigned within 2 hours of the beginning of the Run. You’ll be charged 100% if you cancel a Run that you’ve been assigned within 15 minutes of the start of the Run. Q: Can Runners make their route? A: With Runs, Senders usually set the delivery sequence within the system. You will have an opportunity to review the same sequence. It is strongly suggested to follow it. You may miss the delivery window if you fail to do so. The recipients will also receive notifications with the estimated arrival time based on this delivery sequence. If the sequence is not followed, it is very likely the estimated arrival times will not be accurate, which will result complaints from the customers.If you need to change the route, please check with the Sender and get their approval first. Q: What if the delivery needs to be Returned or Re-delivered? A: Always ask the Sender what they would like to do. If they want something Returned or Re-delivered, you may get an extra fee. Q: Why do I see a Run with the GoPeople logo? A: If you’re seeing this, it’s a Roaming Run. A Roaming Run is a Run GoPeople book to cover any potential gaps in coverage.Roaming Runs often have multiple pick-ups.Our admin team usually asks you to wait outside a Sender’s business. If no jobs come from this Sender, we will ask you to begin your Roaming Run at another business. If this is the case, your travel time between these two Senders will be included in your EWT and paid accordingly. Q: When will the Run application be approved or declined A: Run applications are typically approved fairly quickly during business hours. If your application status remains "Pending" for a long time, it usually means you have been placed on the "Waiting list". This is for when Sender requires more Runners or one of the approved Runners decides to cancel. You can cancel your application if it is in "Pending" status with no penalties. Q: Why was my Run application declined? A: When your Run application gets declined, it usually means other applicants have a better profile, history and rating.The approval process considers the following factors 1. Whether or not you are on the Sender's favourite list 2. Whether or not you have worked for the Sender recently and with positive reviews 3. Whether or not you have received positive reviews recently from other Senders 4. Whether or not you have received positive reviews recently from other JobsIf you are a new Runner, we suggest doing some on-demand jobs before applying for Runs. Please also make sure to have a comprehensive personal profile. All of the above will increase your chances of winning more Runs. Q: When does a CBD levy apply?  A: CBD levies will apply to all 5 capital cities (Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth). CBD levies are for car Run Runners to pay for parking while making CBD deliveries. CBD levies do not apply to van Runs. CBD levy charges are defined below The minimum levy is $15.45 ex GST, which covers up to 4 CBD drop-offs Every additional CBD drop-off is charged for $3.85 ex GST The maximum levy is $38.63 ex GST If a standard car Run (without CBD) is booked, and you were given CBD jobs, you can reject the CBD jobs or accept the CBD jobs with automatic payments based on the above calculations.If a CBD car Run is booked, and you were not given any CBD jobs, you are still entitled to the minimum CBD levy.CBD postcodes in each city: Sydney: 2000 Melbourne: 3000, 3006, 3008 Brisbane: 4000 Adelaide: 5000, 5006 Perth: 6000, 6004, 6005 Q: When does a Palm Beach Area (PBA) levy apply?  A: From 1st May 2023, a PBA levy will apply to Runs visiting the postcodes within the Palm Beach Areas (PBA). A flat fee of $17.00 inc GST ($15.45 ex GST) will be paid if there is at least one delivery to the PBA area. PBA area postcodes are 2084, 2097, 2101, 2102, 2103, 2104, 2105, 2106, 2107, 2108. Q: How does the NEW distance levy work? A: The new distance levy has replaced the old long distance levy and the out of metro levy from 1st May 2023. For more detail, please review this page. [New] Distance Levy - for Runners

Make your avatar like a pro

Your profile photo must contain yourself in it. If you are using a random picture that does not have your face, please update it immediately. It is essential to have a smiling, clean and professional-looking photo on your profile. This is viewable to your customers as well as the recipients. Giving them a great first impression will help you with smoother deliveries and communications. This will also help you receive more positive reviews. If your avatar does not resemble the above hero images, please go into "Account" on the App and re-take a selfie.

Is registering for GST mandatory?

Yes! From 1 January 2023, it is a mandatory requirement to have your business registered for GST to continue being a qualified Runner on the GoPeople platform. GoPeople is a platform that connects you with the customers. GoPeople has an obligation to charge all customers for GST. As the delivery service provider, you (your company) must be paid for the GST as a part of your fees. There are many benefits to being registered and charging for GST. You can claim GST credits for your business purchases. It usually helps with you/your company's cash flow. For more advice, please chat with your accountant or ATO. You/your company do NOT have to earn more than $75,000 to be registered for GST. Any business of any size can register for GST! Please work closely with your accountant and Australian authorities to understand the benefits and obligations. You can follow the link below to make an update to be registered for GST. How to register for GST You can find out more info on GST via the page below How GST Works Here are some most commonly asked questions on GST (FAQs): Does it cost money to register for GST? No, it is FREE. It's simple to register for GST yourself, and it costs nothing. Can I register GST as a sole trader? Yes, you can. Can I register GST if turnover is less than $75,000? Yes, any business of any size can register for GST. You must include GST in your fees and claim GST credits for your business purchases. How long does it take to register for GST ATO? If you register for GST online, it will take effect immediately. It can take up to 48 hours to show on the ABN lookup, but your GST is active from the moment you register. What are GST credits? GST credits are a potential amount of money your business can claim from the ATO. If you are registered for GST, you can claim back the GST included in the purchase price of something you've bought for your business. For example, you can claim GST on petrol, car servicing and insurance. Visit the ATO's website for more information, or speak to a tax professional who can advise on your circumstances. How can I update my GST settings for GoPeople? You can log in to the Runner App -> Go into "Account" from the bottom nav -> Update ABN and check for GST.

Being an independent courier

Getting started as an independent courier is easy and has the advantage of potentially becoming profitable quickly due to the lack of overheads. However, there are some undertakings that you should consider, like what type of vehicle to have and what kind of insurance to take out. Whether you intend to work casually, part-time or full-time, this guide hopes to show you some tips to succeed. Required Equipment You need to provide the right tools for the job: A reliable vehicle Ideally, your vehicle should be no more than ten years old, in good working condition and can be of any size really - though if you're serious, then investing in a large van will allow you to transport larger loads and thus earn more; and Ensure that your vehicle is registered and roadworthy as required by the state where you operate. Reputable mobile phone with hands-free capability, and ensure you comply with the state in which you operate. Car phone charger and phone cradle Buckets or crates for storage and a trolley or cart for transport Safety Vest E-Tag - in some states, you get a rebate on tolls paid. Dash Cam for the diehard pro for those tricky POD requirements. Adequate insurance cover The array of options can be confusing, and keep in mind that every insurance policy and provider has different offerings, so read the details of your policy closely, and there are three types of insurance you need to look into: Vehicle Insurance. Every vehicle on the road in Australia must be insured - a legal requirement that most drivers are aware of. But are you aware of what all types of insurance mean? Here is a brief outline: Comprehensive cover: (Recommended): This covers the cost of repairs to or replacement of your vehicle and property whether you are at fault or not. It can also cover the cost of emergency repairs, transportation costs and damage caused by other drivers. Could you be sure to specify that your vehicle is for business use and that you need it for courier use? Third Party Fire & Theft cover: Third Party Fire and Theft covers you for loss or damage to your vehicle if it is stolen or catches fire in addition to your liability for damage caused by your car to other people’s property. Third-Party Property cover: Covers damage you have caused to another person’s vehicle or property. It does not cover the cost of damage to your car. It usually includes legal fees, limited damage by uninsured drivers and claims service. Compulsory Third Party insurance (CTP): Otherwise known as ‘green slip’ insurance, CTP is a mandatory requirement for every registered driver in Australia. It indemnifies drivers legally liable for personal injury to another party in the event of a vehicle accident. This can include other drivers, passengers, cyclists and pedestrians. Business, Goods in Transit or Courier Insurance. It can be worth stumping up the extra cash for these types of insurance. This will protect your cargo against loss and damage. Your vehicle insurance company might cover this, but if not, then it's straightforward to get this from specialist courier insurance dealers. Public Liability Insurance. This one may not seem as necessary as the others, but it is still worth considering. This will cover you for incidents involving customers, for example, if you drop a same-day delivery or damage private property. Taxes. While not strictly insurance, it's also worth mentioning that as you are self-employed, you need to sort out your taxes with the ATO and arrange GST if you are entitled to pay it. (At this point, hiring an accountant who will know how to save you money by understanding what expenses you can claim may be worthwhile.) Police Check. While also not strictly insurance, a police check demonstrates you are honest and trustworthy. Senders will be more comfortable dealing with you if you have a police check. A great profile to advertise yourself So, now that your finances are all (hopefully) sorted out, how do you go about finding and maintaining jobs? The first step is getting yourself an excellent profile to advertise your services. Could you first make your public avatar a recent photo of yourself? Secondly, could you write two or three sentences outlining your experience, skills and abilities to set you apart from the others and tell the truth? Including a logo or slogan that you own will help too. Here are some recommendations to make your profile look great: Professional part-time courier offering flexible hours and fast delivery High level of customer service. Friendly and professional service with a smile Experienced delivery driver Friendly, fast, experienced and reliable Your goods will be delivered with the utmost care and professionally. Your parcels are delivered safely and securely I love driving all day and every day Very passionate and trustworthy Recommended: A good business regimen Maintain a business account separate from your account Keep accurate records - keep invoices, document expenses, and use logbooks Set aside some of your income for superannuation Make sure that you look into and comply with the laws of the state in which you are operating Becoming an independent courier can initially seem a little daunting, but sticking to this basic framework should help the first few months run smoothly.