04 Aug, 2017 By Wayne Wang

Here’s how you should be preparing for the coming growth in online shopping

There’s great news; online shopping is booming, but the question is – are you ready for the growth? We get it; that’s a pretty open question but it’s one every retailer needs to answer, and the best way to do that is to truly understand who’s shopping online and most importantly, why! That’s because a clear understanding of what’s attracting consumers to online retailing (and keeping them online) will ensure you can properly prepare for increasing demand.

While reports say Australia’s total online sales are forecast to exceed a massive $32 billion this year, putting us in the top ten countries for online retailing, an independent survey of 1000 Australian adults found millennials are spending the most money in online stores.

And the reasons are straight-forward enough. 19% of respondents to the survey said their decision to target online retailers is all down to the availability of greater choice, while 15% say it’s all about the comfort of shopping from their own home.

So, what insight does this bring to Australia’s online retailers as they brace for the oncoming demand? Simply, consumer shopping habits are changing fast and you need to keep up! Here’s how.

Prepare for the onslaught of the “I want it now generation”

Once upon a time, online shopping was synonymous with bargain prices when compared to bricks and mortar retail – that was if you were prepared to compromise with lengthy “standard” delivery times. But that’s all in the past.

Now, millennials aren’t necessarily looking for rock-bottom prices, but convenience instead. That means they don’t want to have to go out to buy goods, but they still want them in their hands the very same day. Any retailer expecting to ride the wave of a growing online retail sector will need to offer same-day deliveries to meet the demand.

Make sure you offer choices to your customers

It’s not a good look when you have “sold out” splashed all over your online store. Consumers who fail to find what they’re looking for during their first experience with your store often won’t return. That means you need to make sure you’re getting the goods in as quickly as you’re sending them out to cement your reputation for choice and speed.

But when it comes to choice, consumer expectations don’t just stop at your product offering – we’re talking about last-mile deliveries too. Today – it’s all part of the complete customer experience. By offering your customers time slot deliveries as well as same-day, you’ll be able to deliver a more convenient and personalised experience for an increasing variety of shoppers.