01 Dec, 2017 By Wayne Wang

Many retailers still think same-day delivery is just a “deal sweetener” for their customers allured only by their sleek online interfaces and, of course, amazing products. But the benefits of same-day delivery run much deeper, and there’s research to prove it. According to statistics, same-day delivery actually drives brand loyalty with retailers. That’s right – it keeps them coming back, and that means more sales!

Most consumers return to retailers offering same-day delivery

While it’s reported well over half (approximately 60 per cent) of holiday shoppers prefer to buy from retailers offering same-day delivery, as many as 75 per cent of online shoppers say they are likely to return to a retailer offering same-day delivery. But things get far more serious when it comes to our younger generation, with a whopping 90 per cent of millennials saying they’d return to a seller offering same-day delivery.

And there’s another twist to this last-mile revelation. As online retail continues to explode – so too does the number of last-minute shoppers seeking security in the convenience of desktop shopping and ever-faster deliveries. An incredible 90 per cent of these last-minute shoppers, according to the survey, will actively seek out retailers offering same-day deliveries.

Delivery speeds the litmus test for quality customer service

So, the race is on. With delivery speeds quickly becoming the ultimate litmus test for the quality of customer service, the smartest retailers are battling it out amongst their competitors for the fastest delivery times. All because we’re finally clocking on to the idea that it’s not just innovation and great products that drives repeat sales – it’s how quickly and conveniently we can get them in customers’ hands too.

New market entrants like Amazon will only give these retailers a further nudge (full-force kick) in the right direction.

Same-day deliveries no longer a challenge

But while the concept of same-day deliveries and how they drive brand loyalty isn’t too tricky to understand on paper, practical implementation of this standard of delivery service has historically presented retailers with a major challenge.

This is because traditional courier services are often cost prohibitive – especially for smaller businesses. At Go People we’re proudly helping our customers help their customers with easy, affordable same-day delivery solutions. Our technology driven and crowdsourced on-demand delivery services gives retailers everything they need for an efficient last-mile service. Go People helps retailers fulfil orders onsite and book immediate and fully trackable point-to-point deliveries at a fraction of the cost of traditional courier services.

Did you know 90 per cent of consumers will return to a retailer that offers real-time tracking? Find out more about Go People’s cost-effective courier solutions here.