17 May, 2017 By Wayne Wang

Time slot deliveries are the future of deliveries.

Why? Because offering customers the ability to choose when they want their purchases delivered, retailers will undoubtedly attract more customers to their service.

That’s why companies like Woolworths and Harvey Norman have recently introduced timeslot deliveries to their delivery options.

Convenience for the individual is the go-to concept in the digital revolution. If you build a feature that allows customers to choose the time slot, you’re handing them convenience on a platter.

Many retailers already have a time slot system in place – so why not hand it over to your customers?

You may be thinking – “it’s hard enough to have my parcels delivered within a day, why would I take on the impossible task of having my deliveries sent within a small window of time?”

Go People have made it simpler. When you’re fully integrated with Go People’s system, you can sync your deliveries and have them at your customer’s door with a few simple clicks.

If you can let us know the answers the to any of three questions below, we can tell give you the best answer to the third one using our Proprietary algorithms:

  1. How many orders are you doing now?
  2. How much do you want to spend per delivery?
  3. How long do you want your timeslots to be?

Go People already offers two time-slots for our Same-Day Service (10am-2pm and 1pm-5pm). This gives both our Senders and their recipients peace of mind knowing when their order is going to shipped and delivered.

On top of that, we offer an instant time with our On Demand service, as well as a Next Day service.

With our Dedicated Runner service, retailers and their customers are safe in the knowledge that they’re controlling exactly when orders are being sent out and when they’ll be delivered by.

Retailers book Dedicated Runners, by nominating a length of time (greater than 3 hours) between any two times.

Once Senders have sent us all their orders that they wish to be fulfilled, we’ll put them through our super smart routing algorithm and return them with an Estimated Working Time (EWT). This will then give Senders a very accurate estimate as to how long all deliveries will take to be fulfilled.

Not only does our Dedicated Runner service help our Retailers in the short-term, it also helps in the middle- and long-term by giving them an accurate assessment of how long it takes to deliver their products.

Knowing exactly when the Recipient is going to receive the goods will reduce the amount of non-deliveries, and increase customer dissatisfaction. Retailers then can use that experience to adjust their business and operations.

So what could you do with your business model to offer time slot deliveries?

Talk to us and explore what your business is capable of!