16 Mar, 2018 By Wayne Wang

We know online consumers have high expectations today. Did you know 96% of customers take “fast delivery” to mean same-day delivery? Anything less, and you’re letting them down. In fact, research says almost half (49%) of shoppers would be more likely to shop online when same-day delivery is offered, while a quarter (25%) say they’d actually abandon a shopping cart if same-day delivery wasn’t offered.

Online shopping is all about convenience and there’s no doubt, same-day deliveries are crucial to delivering some of the best customer experiences. That’s why so many online retailers, such as Amazon, have built their empires on the promise of super-fast same-day deliveries.

The power to choose is the key to convenient deliveries

But we often neglect the bigger picture around what it means to offer real convenience when it comes to last mile deliveries. While the benefits of same-day deliveries are already becoming yesterday’s news, more and more retailers are starting to understand that differentiation in the modern marketplace is achieved by offering delivery choice. After all, not everyone shops online with the expectation they’ll be home in the next 3 hours, and how else do you make sure that birthday present will arrive on the big day itself?

Yep, sometimes there’s a gap between when it’s convenient to shop online and when it’s convenient to receive the goods – and that needs to be addressed!

According to studies, two-thirds (66%) of consumers have chosen to buy goods from one retailer over another because they offered more delivery choices up front. What’s more, almost half (49%) have actually paid more for better or more convenient delivery options.

Personalised delivery options drive conversions

Clearly, more personalised delivery options, whether that be same-day, next day, guaranteed time slot deliveries, or even click and collect represent a serious opportunity for retailers to drive conversion. And there are other ways to contribute to an all-round positive delivery experience, such as providing accurate status notifications and transparent delivery tracking. It’s important to remember, well known brands like Uber and Deliveroo have shown us the technology is out there – so consumers will look for it.     

Loyal customers who advocate your brand

A truly convenient delivery experience which offers a range of options has a positive impact on customer loyalty. A study of shoppers in the UK and Germany showed 49% of shoppers would never use a retailer again after a bad delivery experience.

But it’s not just non-returning customers retailers should be worried about in this social media crazy world we’re living in. It’s argued our digitally savvy Millennials are more likely than anyone else to broadcast their dissatisfaction with delivery experiences on social media channels. Meanwhile, 61% say a bad review on social media would have an influence over their decision to shop with a retailer.   

Of course, it cuts both ways; a positive delivery experience could actually bring about some bonus marketing value. Why? Because those socially connected Millennials are equally likely to play advocate to your brand if you successfully deliver an exceptional, personalised delivery experience. And that’s great for business growth!

Find out about how Go People can help you offer your customers a more personalised delivery experience here.