24 Jan, 2017 By Wayne Wang


Q: Who can apply?
A: Anyone who has completed 5 deliveries or more and all with ‘Good’ ratings. Exceptionally, you can also apply even if you haven’t done deliveries prior with us, if and only if, you have a $100 security bond and if you have read our FAQ, our Delivery guidelines and our Shift video. If a Shift is assigned to a first time Runner we will make sure to give him a call to make sure he understands how the App works, if it’s not the case we could relist the Shift from him/her.

Q: How many deliveries will need to be done?
A: On this busy day, a 3-hour shift should be around 20 deliveries. The number of deliveries is very much depending on the calculated Estimated Working Time (EWT), which is based on travelling time and job difficulties. A buffer applies for pick-up and drop-off, hospital deliveries, CBD deliveries, and so on.

Q: How many pick up and drop off?
A: You should pick up from only one location and multiple drop-offs. We add extra time for the extra pick-up locations, which is calculated into the EWT. If you have areas you’d rather deliver to, simply say so in the Shift comments section, once it’s assigned to you.

Q: How do Go People calculate EWT?
A: It is a sum of the below factors:

  • Travelling time (from pick-up to drop-off)
  • Estimated total pick-up time
  • Estimated total drop-off time
  • Job difficulty buffer (such Hospital jobs, CBD jobs etc.)

Q: How many Shifts can I get assigned?
A: You can get one morning and one afternoon shift.

Q: How do Go People pay if a Runner applies for a 3 hours shift and EWT is more than 3 hours?
A: The Runner will be paid based on the hourly rate of the assigned shift. e.g. If the EWT is 3 hours 15 minutes, the Runner will be paid for the extra 15 minutes.

Q: How do Go People pay if Runner applies for a 3 hours shift and the EWT is less than 3 hours?
A: The Runner will be paid for the full shift.

Q: How do Go People pay if the Runner spends more than EWT?
A: The Runner still gets paid for the original price. The quicker you finish, the more you make. So please make sure not to waste any time, and try calling Sender, Recipient, Go People (1300 416 722) and/or leave a Comment so we can help you out!

Q: How much do Go People pay if Go People cancel the shift?
A: There will be a cancellation fee of 50% of the shift price if shifts are cancelled 24 hours before start time. For i.e your shift is $144 we will pay you $72 for cancellation.

Q: What type of penalty will a Runner face if he decides to cancel his shift.
A: If the cancellation is less than 72 hours before the start of the shift, you will be charged 50% of your shift price. For i.e your shift is $144 you will be charged $72 for cancellation.

Q: Can runners make their own route?
A: There’s no need; our system figures out the best routing for you! And we highly recommend you follow our Routing System if you want to finish all your jobs on time and keep your good ratings. Also, if you claim the Estimated Working Time (EWT) wasn’t accurate we can only investigate if you follow our Routing.

Q: What if a delivery needs to be Returned or Redelivered?
A: Always, ask the Sender what they would like to do. If they want something redelivered or redelivered you will get an extra fee. You can request a return or a redelivery by going in the Comment section of the job, click on the ‘+’ and select return or redelivery. It will then be approved by Go People Admin or the Sender.